Elizabeth Street Tattoo Aftercare
Congratulations on your new tattoo! Now that you've added a stunning piece of art to your body, it's important to take proper care of it to ensure it heals well and maintains its vibrancy for years to come. Living in California means you have plenty of sunshine and warmth on your side, but it also means you need to be extra cautious when it comes to tattoo aftercare.

Here are some essential tips to help you navigate the Southern California climate while caring for your new tattoo:

1. Keep it clean: The first step in tattoo aftercare is to keep your fresh ink clean. Wash your tattoo gently with lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Avoid using harsh soaps or abrasive materials as they might irritate the skin. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your tattoo to avoid introducing any dirt or bacteria. Signs and symptoms of infection, including, but not limited to, redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure side towards the heart, elevated body, temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site. If you have an infection, we will direct you to seek medical care.

2. Moisturize regularly: The Riverside heat can be quite drying for the skin, so it's crucial to keep your tattoo moisturized. Apply a thin layer of tattoo-friendly moisturizer, such as a fragrance-free lotion or an ointment recommended by your tattoo artist, to keep the tattooed area hydrated. Be careful not to over-moisturize, as excessive moisture can hinder the healing process. It’s okay to be a little dry.

3. Shield it from the sun: California is known for its abundant sunshine, but exposing your new tattoo to direct sunlight can have detrimental effects. UV rays can fade the colors and damage the delicate healing skin. To protect your tattoo, avoid direct sunlight during the healing process. After your tattoo is healed, when you go outside use a high SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen to shield your tattoo, and consider covering it with loose, breathable clothing.

4. Avoid excessive sweating and activities : California’s warm climate may tempt you to engage in outdoor activities, but sweating excessively can hinder the healing process of your tattoo. Sweat can introduce bacteria and cause irritation. If you plan on exercising or doing any strenuous activities, try to cover your tattoo loosely with breathable fabric and take frequent breaks to allow your body to cool down. Avoid recreational water activities, gardening, or animal contact for 7 days.

5. Patience is key: Healing times for tattoos vary for each individual, but typically, it takes around two to four weeks for a tattoo to fully heal. During this time, avoid picking, scratching, or peeling any scabs or flakes that may form. Let the healing process take its course naturally to prevent scarring or damage to the artwork. If you have any concerns or notice any unusual signs, reach out to your tattooer. Remember, taking care of your tattoo is like investing in a work of art. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your tattoo stays vibrant and retains its beauty for years to come. Enjoy your new ink and show it off with pride!